Monthly Archives: May 2012

Bharazi(Pigeon peas Curry) nu Shak

You can either use dried bharazi that you soak in water for 5 hours or overnight and boil it, or you can use frozen bharazi or canned bharazi.  You can buy the bharazi at an Indian grocery store or Iranian grocery store.


  • 2             medium onion
  • 1             medium tomato
  • 1/4          cup vegetable oil
  • 1             tsp dhana jeera(coriander & cumin powder)
  • 1/4          tsp haldi(turmeric powder)
  • 2             tsp green masala
  • 1             tsp tomato paste
  • 2             cups boiled bharazi(pigeon peas)
  • 2             cups water
  • 1             tsp salt
  • 1             tbsp chopped cilantro


  1. Peel and slice the onions and chop the tomatoes.
  2. Heat the oil, add cumin and the onions and fry till the onions are golden brown.
  3. Add the tomatoes, dhana jeera, haldi, green masala and tomato paste, stir and cook for 5 minutes.  Add the water, salt and the bharazi and cook on medium heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle chopped cilantro before serving.

Serve it with rice or chapatti.

Kuku Paka

Kuku Paka is a simple chicken dish, cooked with coconut milk, from the coast of East. Africa. It is sometimes called Kuku na nazi.  Kuku means chicken and nazi is coconut in swahalli.  For authentic flavor, grill or BBQ the chicken pieces before stirring them into the simmering sauce. If you like, you can also use boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs.

Serves 4 – 6


  • 1                chicken skinned and cut into 10 pieces
  • 1                small onion
  • 2                tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1/4             tsp cumin seeds
  • 5                cardamom pods
  • 1                jalapeño
  • 1                medium tomato
  • 1                tbsp green masala
  • 1/4             tsp haldi(turmeric powder)
  • 2                cans(400 ml)  coconut milk
  • 1                tsp salt
  • 1                lemon
  • 4                boiled eggs
  • 2                tbsp chopped cilantro


  1. Remove all the fat from the chicken and rinse it in cold water.
  2. Peel the onions and dice it to a 1/4 inch.
  3. Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add cumin seeds, cardamom, ,jalapeño and onions.  Fry the onions till they are soft and transparent.
  4. Finely chop the tomato and add this to the onion mix.  Add the green masala, haldi, salt and  mix.  Cook for a min.
  5. Add the coconut milk, one cup water and cook till the mixture starts to boil.
  6. Add the chicken and cook  covered on medium heat for 15 min till the chicken is cooked.
  7. Add the lemon juice and boiled eggs.
  8. Serve sprinkled with cilantro.

Serve with Fresh bread, Makati and/or rice.

You can substitute potatoes for eggs.

Chocolate Banana Cream Cake

Serves 16Chocolate Banana Cake Served

Chocolate Banana Cake


  • 5                oz butter(room temperature)
  • 2                large bananas, about 1 lbs
  • 2 1/4          cup all purpose flour
  • 1/3             cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 1/4           tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/4           tsp baking soda
  •                    pinch salt
  • 1 1/2          cups sugar
  • 3                 eggs
  • 1                 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2/3              cup buttermilk


  • 1/4              cup all purpose flour
  • 3/4              cup sugar
  •                    pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2           cups milk
  • 3                 egg yolks
  • 2                 bananas
  • 1/2              cup heavy cream


  • 4 oz.           chilled butter
  • 1/2              cup milk
  • 12               oz semisweet-chocolate chips



  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Butter and flour two 9” cake pans.  Bring 5 oz. of butter to room temperature and keep the remaining 4 oz. chilled  Mash the bananas to make 1 1/4 cups puree.
  2. Combine all purpose flour, cocoa, baking powder, soda and salt.  With an  electric mixer at medium low speed, beat 5 oz. of the butter and 1 1/ cups of sugar until fluffy and light in color, about 5 minutes.
  3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.  Add 1 tsp. of the vanilla.  Reduce speed and beat in the mashed bananas.  Beat in flour mixture in thirds, alternating with the buttermilk, until just mixed.
  4. Pour into prepared pans and bake until a toothpick stuck in the centre comes out clean, 30 – 35 minutes.  Cool in pans on wire racks 10 minutes.  Remove from pans and cool completely.

Cream Filling

  1. Combine the all-purpose flour, the remaining 3/4 cup sugar and a pinch of salt in a saucepan.  Beat together 1 1/2 cups of milk and the yolks.  Stir into flour mixture until smooth.  Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and comes to a boil.  Continue boiling and stirring 2 minutes.
  2. Pour through a sieve into a bowl.  Stir in the remaining 1/2 tsp vanilla.  Press a piece of plastic wrap directly against the surface of the cream filling to prevent a skin from forming.  Chill at least 1 hour.
  3. Beat cream until it holds stiff peaks and fold into chilled cream filling.


  1. Cut the chilled butter into small pieces.  In a saucepan, combine remaining 1/2 cup milk and the chocolate chips and stir over low heat until smooth.  Remove from heat and stir in butter, a little bit at a time, until smooth.  Pour into a bowl and let stand until firm enough to spread, about 1 hour.


  1. Slice each cake layer in half horizontally.  Place 1 layer (bottom side down) on a serving plate.  Slice remaining bananas.  Spread cake layer with a third of the cream filling.  Top with a third of the banana slices and another cake layer.  Continue in the same way with 2 more layers, topping with the final cake layer.
  2. Run a spatula around sides of cake to smooth the cream filling.  Cover sides and top with the chocolate frosting.


Serves 8


  • 2            lbs sirloin steak
  • ½           teaspoon salt
  • ½           teaspoon black pepper
  • ¼           cup vinegar


  • ½           cup raw peanuts
  • 2            jalapeño  
  • 1            bunch coriander leaves
  • 1            lemon
  • ½           tsp salt
  • 1            tsp  sugar
  • ½           tsp each ginger and Garlic
  • ½           cup yoghourt
  • 4            tbsp vegetable oil


  1. Beat the steaks between 2 pieces of plastic and marinate  in vinegar, salt and sugar for a couple of hours.
  2. Place all the ingredients for the filling in a blender and make a paste.
  3. Spread this paste on the steak and roll it up. Hold the roll with a tooth pick.
  4. Heat oil and brown each roll on all sides.
  5. Transfer it in an ovenproof dish.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven 350 degrees.
  7. Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.

Serve with fried rice or oven fried chips and a vegetable.

Mayai Mani

Mayai Mani is a rich , dry kheema curry with eggs on it.  You break the eggs on curry  and broil it.  When my kids were young they called this eggsagna. because it looks like lasagna with eggs on it.  It is served with bread, naan or chapatti.

Mayai Mani




  • 1/4             cup  vegetable oil
  • 1/4             tsp cumin seeds
  • 1/4             tsp black pepper
  • 1                inch stick cinnamon
  • 5                cloves
  • 5                cardamom pods
  • 2                medium onions thinly sliced
  • 2                medium tomatoes chopped
  • 2                level tsp dhana jeera
  • 1/4             tsp turmeric powder
  • 1                tsp salt 
  • 2                tsp green masala
  • 2                lbs lean ground beef
  • 1/2             cup water
  • 1                tbsp chopped cilantro
  • 1/2             tsp garam masala
  • 2                tsp tomato paste
  • 6                eggs


  1. In a saucepan heat the oil.  Add the cumin, black pepper,cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and sliced onions.  Fry the onions till they are golden brown.
  2. Add the tomatoes, dhana jeera, turmeric powder, green masala, salt and cook for  5 minutes.  Add the ground beef stirring and breaking the lumps.  Add the water and cook, covered for half and hour, on low heat.  Uncover and cook till the meat is dry.  Add garam masala and cilantro and mix well.
  3. Spread the mixture in an 8 inch square Pyrex dish.  Make six dents and break the eggs on it.  Broil this for about 5 minutes(the eggs should be cooked).
  4. Sprinkle some cilantro on it before serving.

You can also make it individually by putting the mixture in 4-4″

Kheema Paratha Pastry


  • 2                 cups whole wheat flour
  • 3/4               cup water
  • 1/4               cup oil
  • 1/2               cup white flour


  1. Make a dough with whole wheat flour and water.
  2. Divide the dough into 12 equal balls (each ball is about 40gms)
  3. Roll each ball into 5 inch rounds.
  4. Brush each ball with oil and sprinkle with white flour.
  5. Stack the rounds.
  6. Roll this into a 10 inch round
  7. Cook in a microwave on a piece of greaseproof paper for 4 min.
  8. Remove from the microwave and cut the edges to make it a square.
  9. Wrap it in plastic and let it cool.
  10. Use as needed

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food pictures May 8 014

food pictures May 8 015   food pictures May 8 016


Dokari is a South Indian snack which is steamed.  It can be eaten as a teatime snack, appetizer or a light lunch.  It is served with a tomato chutney.













  • 2              cups chana flour(chickpea flour)
  • 1 1/2        cups water
  • 1/2           cup yoghurt
  • 4              tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1              tbsp sugar
  • 1              tsp salt
  • 1              tsp Green Masala
  • 1/2           tsp freshly ground jeera(cumin)
  • 1/2           tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 2              tsp Eno(fruit salt)


  • 2              tbsp oil
  • 1/ 2          tsp rye(mustard seeds)
  • 1/2           tsp Methi( fenugreek seeds)
  • 1/2           tsp jeera(cumin seeds)
  • 10            curry leaves


  • 4               tbsp desiccated coconut
  • 2               tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1/4           cup  chopped cilantro
  • 1               tbsp finely chopped fresh green chilies(optional)


  • In a large 10 inch saucepan boil 2 inches of water.  Put a wok ring in the saucepan. (The saucepan should have a tight fitting lid).
  • Mix all the ingredients from the first section except Eno and make a thick batter.
  • When the water starts to boil, put the 9 inch greased cake tin on the ring..  Add the eno in the batter and mix well.  Pour this batter in the cake tin, cover the saucepan with a kitchen towel.  (This absorbs the steam) and cover the saucepan with a lid.  Cook for 20 minutes.  (If you insert a tooth pick in the centre, the tooth pick should come out clean.)  Let it cool.
  • Cut the dokari into 1” strips and cut them in diamonds.
  • In a frying pan heat the oil and add all the ingredients for vagar.  When the rye starts to pop, add this to the dokari.  Add the rest of the ingredients and toss it.
  • Serve it warm or cold. 


Makati is a rice cake made with rice and coconut.  It is very popular in the coastal  areas in East Africa..  It is served with Kuku Paka or eaten on its own as a snack. This recipe was given to me by my friend, Mrs. Adam.

Makes 2

  • 1 1/2             cups Basmati rice
  • 1 1/2             cups  long grain rice
  • 1                   cup water
  • 1                   tsp quick acting yeast
  • 2                   tsp sugar
  • 1                   can(400 ml) coconut milk
  • 1                   cup milk
  • 1/2                tsp crushed cardamon seeds(elichi)
  • 1 1/2             cups sugar
  • 2                   tsp kas kas for decoration


  1. Rinse rice and soak it overnight.
  2. In the morning drain the rice.
  3. Add 1 cup warm water, yeast and 2 tsp sugar.  When this starts to form add the rice, cardamon seeds and coconut milk and blend it to a very fine consistency.
  4. Add the milk, mix it well, pour the mixture in a large bowl, cover it and let it rest in a warm place for 5 hours(in the oven).  it will double in quantity. 
  5. Add the sugar and mix well. Let it stand for half an hour.
  6. Heat a 9” fry pan, spray it  with Pam or brush it with 1 tsp oil and 1 tsp butter. 
  7. The fry pan must be hot, add half the mixture,  cook covered on slow heat(Mark 4-5) for about 15-18 minutes.  Sprinkle 1 tsp kas kas..
  8. Put the frying pan under the grill on the middle shelf for about 8 minutes,  till it is golden brown on top.  Brush it with butter.
  9. Serve it hot.

Note:  I have used 2- 9” cake tins.


Naan originated in Persia and is popular in West, East and Central South Asia.  Influenced by the large South Asian immigrants, naan has become popular in other parts of the world, especially in Arab States of Persian Gulf, Europe and North America.

Naan is a leavened flatbread cooked in a tandoor oven or an open fire.  Naan resembles a pita bread. It is served hot and brushed with ghee or butter.  It can be used to scoop other foods, or served stuffed with a filling of meat, chicken or vegetables or Peshawari naan and Kashmiri naan are filled with mixture of nuts, raisins and coconut.   In Pakistan the most famous naan vatiety is the roghani naan which is sprinkled with sesame seeds.


  • 2 -½         lbs white flour
  • 2              tsp yeast
  • 2              tsp sugar
  • ¾             tsp baking powder
  •  ½            cup oil
  • 1              cup yoghurt
  • 2              cups warm water


  1. Add yeast, sugar and baking powder to the white flour and mix.
  2. Add oil, yoghurt and warm water and make a dough.
  3. Leave it covered in a bowl, in a warm place to rise, for 2 hours.
  4. Kneed it on a flat surface and let it rest for 10 min.
  5. Divide it into 24 balls.
  6. Roll out each ball into an 8” round.
  7. Cook on a tava on both the sides and then on open fire.
  8. Brush it with butter.
  9. Serve it warm.


Khari Puri



  • 1                 lb white flour
  • 1/2              tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2              tsp freshly ground cumin
  • 1/2              tsp freshly ground ajwan
  • 1/2              tsp salt
  • 1/4              cup butter
  • 1                 cup water
  • 6                 cups oil for frying


  1. In a medium bowl add  the flour, black pepper, cumin, ajwan and salt.
  2. Rub in the butter.
  3. Make a soft dough using the water.  Knead the dough.  Divide it into 4 quarters.  Cover the dough with plastic wrap.
  4. On a floured board, roll out 1 quarter  at a time.  Roll the dough very thin.  (about 14” round).  prick with a fork. Take the 3 inch cookie cutter and cut the rounds.
  5. Deep fry in medium to hot oil till light golden in color.  The puris should be crispy.  Drain in a colander.
  6. Puris can be stored in an airtight container.

Puris can also be cut in strips or diamonds.

Katori and Cone Puris



  1. Roll your dough to 1/8″ thickness and 3″ larger than the bowl you are using.  The dough should cover the bowl completely.
  2. Grease the katori, place the katori in the centre of the rolled puri and wrap the dough around it.
  3. IMG_6357 IMG_6360
  4. In the medium hot oil drop the katori wrapped with dough and fry it.
  5. Oil will start filling up in the katori, BE CAREFUL.
  6. Once brown remove from oil and drain it on paper towel.

Cone Puri

  • Roll the dough to 1/8″.  With a 4″ round cookie cutter, cut the rounds.
  • Wrap the dough around the come.  Moisten the edge with water and seal the edge.
  • Deep fry them.
